Asbestos and Hazardous Materials
Management Plans

Identifibre can provide a complete asbestos management solution, incorporating the asbestos assessment and management plan framework adapted to your particular organisation structure.

An Identifibre Management Plan will assist you to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and enable the effective management of all hazards associated with asbestos. This will be achieved through a structured program that eliminates or minimises airborne asbestos fibre exposure of staff, contractors and site visitors in accordance with legislative requirements.

The asbestos register is a principle element of a management plan that will outline risk control strategies and an ongoing inspection program.

Persons in control of a workplace must take reasonable steps to label and record asbestos in a register and inform everyone on the premises where asbestos is present, the consequences of exposure to asbestos and other appropriate control measures.

The plan/register must be readily accessible to workers and others at the workplace, kept up to date and be reviewed at least once every five years, or sooner if:

  • A control measure or the register is reviewed
  • Asbestos is removed, disturbed, sealed or enclosed
  • The plan is no longer adequate for managing asbestos or asbestos containing materials at the workplace
  • A health and safety representative requests a review in certain circumstances.



Asbestos containing materials should be labelled for easy identification.

Identifibre offers a labelling service whereby we supply and install labels (see examples pictured), these generic labels are also available for purchasing.

For enquiries, please call us at (03) 9563 2957 or email us at



Asbestos Testing

Identifibre is a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) endorsed laboratory for analysis of bulk samples of building materials and soil samples for the presence of asbestos. With an experienced team of analysts, we offer a variety of turnaround times to suit budget and time restraints.


Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Identifibre provides all hygiene services required for asbestos removal works including air monitoring, visual inspections, clearance certificates and other services to ensure adequate control measures are in place before, during and after removal works.


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans

Identifibre can provide a complete asbestos management solution, incorporating the asbestos assessment and management plan framework adapted to your particular organisation structure.

Asbestos Sample Testing

Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre’s Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys and Risk Assessments (Division 6) detail the location and condition of asbestos and other hazardous materials that may be disturbed during demolition or refurbishment works on a building, structure, ship or plant where asbestos is fixed or installed.


Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre can assist your workplace to comply with the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and the Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations by carrying out a Division 5 Asbestos in the Workplace Survey and Risk Assessment in a timely, accurate and cost effective manner.


Asbestos Awareness Training

Identifibre’s asbestos awareness training course provides guidance on identifying asbestos containing materials and how to work safely where asbestos may be suspected or confirmed.

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos Awareness Training


Project Management & Supervision

Identifibre can provide management assistance in all phases of asbestos abatement activities, from preparation of specifications through to project completion, including supervision and final clearance certification.


Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Asbestos is commonly found within soil and fill material associated with commercial or residential construction. Contact Identifibre for expert advice to investigate and assess the site, including soil, and develop appropriate risk management strategies.


Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

All personnel who are required to remove or disturb asbestos-containing materials must use adequate respiratory protection for the task. Identifibre offer respiratory mask fit tests with all Identifibre fit testers RESP-Fit accredited.

Project Management & Supervision

Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

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