Same day / on the spot asbestos testing available for most materials. Click here for more information

Same day ‘on the spot’ asbestos testing available for most materials

Asbestos in Mulch: An Emerging Public Health Concern
Recent reports from Sydney and Melbourne have highlighted a concerning issue: the presence of bonded asbestos in mulch used in public spaces such as playgrounds and alongside highways. The discovery has triggered investigations by environmental and health authorities and raised questions about the safety of recycled garden products.

Same day / on the spot asbestos testing available for most materials. Click here for more information

   Same day ‘on the spot’ asbestos testing available for most materials

The Discovery of Asbestos in Mulch

In Sydney, bonded asbestos was first identified in mulch at Rozelle Parklands and subsequently near electrical substations and along a highway strip. This prompted the closure of the newly-opened park and an ongoing investigation by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The source of the asbestos and the responsibility for its inclusion in the mulch are still under investigation​ (referenced from Famanz)​.

Melbourne has also faced similar issues, with asbestos detected in mulch at a playground, leading to concerns about children’s exposure. This discovery has not only caused alarm among parents and local residents but also prompted reviews of mulch sourcing and testing procedures​ (reference from Famanz)​.

Health Implications and Public Safety

Bonded asbestos, when intact and undisturbed, generally poses a low health risk. It becomes a concern when the material is damaged, deteriorating, or disturbed, which can release harmful asbestos fibres into the air. Health authorities emphasise that the risk to the public from the asbestos found in mulch is currently considered low, as long as the material remains undisturbed​ (referenced from Famanz)​.

However, the presence of asbestos in mulch underscores the potential for exposure, especially if the material is used in environments frequented by vulnerable groups, such as children. Authorities have stressed the importance of monitoring and managing these risks, particularly in public spaces.

Ongoing Investigations and Actions

The EPA has issued Clean Up Notices to ensure the removal of contaminated mulch from affected sites and prevent further use of the implicated products. The investigations are extensive, involving the mulch supply chain and potential sites of asbestos contamination​ (referenced from Famanz)​.

In response to these events, regulatory bodies are taking steps to enhance testing protocols and tighten regulations around recycled mulch products. The incidents have sparked a broader discussion about the management of asbestos in Australia, where its use in construction was extensive in the past.

Recommendations for the Public

While the risk from the newly discovered contaminated mulch is being managed, the general advice for the public is to remain informed and cautious. Individuals purchasing mulch for personal or commercial use should inspect the material for any unusual components and consult suppliers about the safety and testing of their products​ (referenced from Famanz)​.

The recent findings serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges posed by asbestos in the environment. It highlights the need for stringent safety standards and robust regulatory frameworks to protect public health from asbestos exposure, especially in recycled products.

For more detailed coverage, you can refer to the ABC News articles:

Mulch Explainer: Melbourne Asbestos, EPA, Illegal Dumping – link to article

Asbestos Melbourne Playground Mulch – link to article

Australia – In a disturbing revelation, the likely cause of recent asbestos dumping incidents across Sydney has been traced back to improper regulatory enforcement and illicit practices by some construction and demolition companies. This has raised significant public health concerns and highlighted the urgent need for stricter oversight and accountability.

Recent reports from Sydney and Melbourne have highlighted a concerning issue: the presence of bonded asbestos in mulch used in public spaces such as playgrounds and alongside highways. The discovery has triggered investigations by environmental and health authorities and raised questions about the safety of recycled garden products.



Asbestos Testing

Identifibre is a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) endorsed laboratory for analysis of bulk samples of building materials and soil samples for the presence of asbestos. With an experienced team of analysts, we offer a variety of turnaround times to suit budget and time restraints.


Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Identifibre provides all hygiene services required for asbestos removal works including air monitoring, visual inspections, clearance certificates and other services to ensure adequate control measures are in place before, during and after removal works.


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans

Identifibre can provide a complete asbestos management solution, incorporating the asbestos assessment and management plan framework adapted to your particular organisation structure.

Asbestos Sample Testing

Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre’s Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys and Risk Assessments (Division 6) detail the location and condition of asbestos and other hazardous materials that may be disturbed during demolition or refurbishment works on a building, structure, ship or plant where asbestos is fixed or installed.


Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre can assist your workplace to comply with the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and the Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations by carrying out a Division 5 Asbestos in the Workplace Survey and Risk Assessment in a timely, accurate and cost effective manner.


Asbestos Awareness Training

Identifibre’s asbestos awareness training course provides guidance on identifying asbestos containing materials and how to work safely where asbestos may be suspected or confirmed.

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos Awareness Training


Project Management & Supervision

Identifibre can provide management assistance in all phases of asbestos abatement activities, from preparation of specifications through to project completion, including supervision and final clearance certification.


Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Asbestos is commonly found within soil and fill material associated with commercial or residential construction. Contact Identifibre for expert advice to investigate and assess the site, including soil, and develop appropriate risk management strategies.


Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

All personnel who are required to remove or disturb asbestos-containing materials must use adequate respiratory protection for the task. Identifibre offer respiratory mask fit tests with all Identifibre fit testers RESP-Fit accredited.

Project Management & Supervision

Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

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