Same day / on the spot asbestos testing available for most materials. Click here for more information

Same day ‘on the spot’ asbestos testing available for most materials

Asbestos in Homes

Asbestos fibres were widely used in building materials before the mid 1980s.

Some houses built in the 1990s and early 2000s may have been constructed with asbestos materials until the total ban on any activity involving asbestos products became effective from December 2003.

Some modern imported building materials have also been found to contain asbestos.

As a general rule, if your house was built:

  • before the mid-1980s – it is highly likely that it has asbestos containing products
  • between the mid-1980s and mid-1990s – it is possible that it has asbestos containing products
  • after mid-1990s – it is unlikely that it has asbestos containing products

Same day / on the spot asbestos testing available for most materials. Click here for more information

   Same day ‘on the spot’ asbestos testing available for most materials

Asbestos Testing

If you suspect or are concerned a material may contain asbestos, don’t take the risk! Stop work and get the material tested for the presence of asbestos.

Confirmation of asbestos can only be made with scientific testing. Identifibre is a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited asbestos testing laboratory with an experienced team of analysts who endeavour to provide fast results based on budget and time restraints.

Identifibre makes this process easy:

Bring It

Bring the sample/s, separately double bagged & labelled in sealed zip lock bags, into our office during business hours.

Street Address:
Identifibre Pty Ltd
67 Atherton Road,
Oakleigh VIC 3166

Post It

Complete the testing form & post the sample/s, separately double bagged & labelled in sealed zip lock bags.

Postal Address:
Identifibre Pty Ltd
67 Atherton Road,
Oakleigh VIC 3166

Collect It

Contact our office to arrange for a consultant to collect the sample/s from your work site or house (sample collection fee applies).

Phone Number:
(03) 9563 2957

A small sample is all that is required for analysis of most materials, approximately the size of a 20c piece, however asbestos isn’t evenly distributed in vinyl tiles so to get an accurate result a larger sample of approximately 10x10cm or the size of a business card is required.

For analysis of a soil or mulch sample, it is required that the sample does not exceed 150g in weight.

Asbestos Testing Form

Home Renovations & DIY

Approximately one third of all homes built in Australia contain asbestos products.

Asbestos containing materials that are in good condition are unlikely to release asbestos fibres if left undisturbed, in these circumstances you can paint seal and leave them untouched.

However, if you are thinking about renovating, an awareness of asbestos in your home is a must. It is important for home owners and renovators to understand the potential health risks of asbestos and the safety precautions required before renovating a house that may contain asbestos.

Never use high pressure or power tools on asbestos materials as they will make asbestos fibres airborne.

The Occupational Health & Safety Regulations only apply to workplaces. Where asbestos removal is being done by a person in their own home, the Regulations do not apply because it is not a workplace. However, removing asbestos safely can be a complicated process. All asbestos material must be disposed at a landfill or waste disposal site approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not all landfill sites accept asbestos. To minimise any risks associated with asbestos, it is best carried out by licensed professionals who have completed relevant training.

Did you know…?


Testing and removal of asbestos from your investment property or your home, if it is also a place of business, could be tax deductible.

Common Asbestos Containing Materials in Houses

tooltip text

Asbestos cement sheeting


Asbestos cement sheeting


Asbestos cement sheeting


Asbestos cement sheeting


Asbestos cement sheeting


Asbestos cement sheeting


Corrugated asbestos cement sheeting


Corrugated asbestos cement sheeting


Corrugated asbestos cement sheeting


Fibrous cement pipe


Fibrous cement pipe


Laminated cement sheet


Laminated cement sheet


Vinyl coverings


Vinyl coverings


Vinyl coverings


Vinyl coverings


Zelemite electrical board/millboard


Zelemite electrical board/millboard


Mastic sealant


Mastic sealant


Mastic sealant


Mastic sealant

More Information


The Australian Government Department of Health through the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee have developed a brochure with detailed information for householders and the general public. The brochure is comprehensive and easy to read.

Asbestos in Homes



Asbestos Testing

Identifibre is a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) endorsed laboratory for analysis of bulk samples of building materials and soil samples for the presence of asbestos. With an experienced team of analysts, we offer a variety of turnaround times to suit budget and time restraints.


Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Identifibre provides all hygiene services required for asbestos removal works including air monitoring, visual inspections, clearance certificates and other services to ensure adequate control measures are in place before, during and after removal works.


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans

Identifibre can provide a complete asbestos management solution, incorporating the asbestos assessment and management plan framework adapted to your particular organisation structure.

Asbestos Sample Testing

Air Monitoring & Clearance Certificates

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Management Plans


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre’s Asbestos and Hazardous Materials Surveys and Risk Assessments (Division 6) detail the location and condition of asbestos and other hazardous materials that may be disturbed during demolition or refurbishment works on a building, structure, ship or plant where asbestos is fixed or installed.


Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Identifibre can assist your workplace to comply with the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and the Australian Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations by carrying out a Division 5 Asbestos in the Workplace Survey and Risk Assessment in a timely, accurate and cost effective manner.


Asbestos Awareness Training

Identifibre’s asbestos awareness training course provides guidance on identifying asbestos containing materials and how to work safely where asbestos may be suspected or confirmed.

Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos in the Workplace Surveys & Risk Assessments

Asbestos Awareness Training


Project Management & Supervision

Identifibre can provide management assistance in all phases of asbestos abatement activities, from preparation of specifications through to project completion, including supervision and final clearance certification.


Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Asbestos is commonly found within soil and fill material associated with commercial or residential construction. Contact Identifibre for expert advice to investigate and assess the site, including soil, and develop appropriate risk management strategies.


Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

All personnel who are required to remove or disturb asbestos-containing materials must use adequate respiratory protection for the task. Identifibre offer respiratory mask fit tests with all Identifibre fit testers RESP-Fit accredited.

Project Management & Supervision

Asbestos Contaminated Land Assessments

Respiratory Protection Fit Testing

Contact us